Sunday, December 5, 2010

Sermon Discussion

Sermon: Ecclesiastes – Confessions of A Cynic

Text: Ecclesiastes 3:16-22


Each time we turn on the TV or listen to the news on the radio, we hear stories after stories of pain and suffering caused by injustice throughout our world. From the back alleys of any inner city in America to the remote deserts of Africa, people suffer at the hands of their fellow mankind. We, personally, don’t seem to escape this injustice. We look at the world and wonder “Is there any hope?” The reality is as long as we are sinful beings; our world will continue to exist in this state of chaos and injustice. But God wants us to have a different perspective amidst these problems. We can significantly be used by God if we refuse to let our disadvantages turn us into a cynic.

Discussion Questions
  1. When was the last time you saw “injustice”? At work, school, out and about? How did you did you react? What did you do or not do? Would you do anything different if that situation came up again?
  2. “Cynicism mentally confuses us, it angers us emotionally, numbs us spiritually, leaves us scarred, bitter, disillusioned and feeling distant from God.” Evaluate this statement. Do you relate to it? Why or why not?
  3. What areas in your life that you struggle with in terms of cynicism, insecurities, or anger?
  4. There’s a quote that says: “Individuals can resist injustices, but only a community can do justice.” Also, in Micah 6:8  it says “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” What is the responsibility of an individual? What is the responsibility of a community?

Moving Forward

People say they have a “backlog” when they are behind in their work. The term “backlog” stands for something that is left over or not completed. Sometime we carry a backlog of guilty feelings or hurts for things that happened in the past. It seems as if our bad feelings will never leave us – as if we’ll be stuck with them forever. But God doesn’t want us to bear that burden. Jesus comes to bring us freedom by giving us a new identity in Him. This is only way we can see our advantages in times of disadvantage. Because we know that Christ has already won victory over all the things that prevent us from living a full and complete life in Him.


When I said, “My foot is slipping,” your unfailing love, LORD, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy.  – Psalm 94:18-19

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