Sunday, January 2, 2011

Sermon Discussion

Sermon: New Year 2011

Text: 2 Timothy 2:1-7


It seems that each new year brings so much hope for change and renewal. But disappointment quickly settles in as we see no significant changes in our lives. Things seem to go back to the way they were. However, Christ calls us to be in a process of change, a change from a sinful life to a holy one. Yet at times the task seems so daunting. We seem to stumble and fall every step we take. So Pastor Charlton reminds us of the objective we must take our spiritual walk, to increase in our love of Jesus. Having this objective, we are called to pursue diligently while leaning upon God for strength.

Discussion Questions
  1. Did you learn to play a musical instrument/sport when you were younger? Do you still play it now? Why or why not?
  2. How do you determine what is right and what is wrong in your life? What are the standards that you have in making decisions?
  3. How do you determine what kinds of decisions you should surrender to God and what kinds of actions you are responsible for? Where do we draw the line?
  4. What is one thing you can do this week that may alter your life routine but allows you to genuinely pursue Christ? Ask a brother or sister to keep you accountable in this.

Moving Forward

Many decisions in life is not between bad or good, evil or moral, but between good and good. At times, the answers may not be clear because our objective in life is not clear or is not about pursuing God. Therefore, we must be resolute in our objective, which is to pursue Christ, and base our decisions upon this objective. With this, our lives will have meaning and purpose.


Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. – 2 Timothy 2:22

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