Monday, February 7, 2011

Sermon Discussion

Sermon: Acknowledging God’s Sovereignty & Know Peace

Text: 2 Samuel 12


As much as we realize it or not, the world doesn’t revolve around you or me. Intellectually, we know this but we certainly don’t  always pray this way. How much of our prayer is centered on us, our well-being, and our wants and desires? How much of our prayer is centered on God and His sovereignty over our lives? In this sermon, Pastor Yun reminds us that the key to having peace comes from prayer, a prayer that centers around God and His sovereignty over us and our situation.
Discussion Questions

  1. What is the most amusing or unusual thing you ever heard a kid ask for?
  2. Read 2 Samuel 12. What do you notice about David’s prayer life? What are something significant about it?
  3. Pastor Yun mentioned that “Prayer is not about seeking God’s favor in our personal concerns.  Prayer is about having us be less concerned about us and more about learning to understand and being content with what God is doing.” How does prayer help us “to be content” with what God is doing? Does it matter how we pray?
  4. What’s the difference between asking God for our needs and wants versus demanding these things? How do we know the difference?
  5. What is something that you have been praying to God about lately? How can we acknowledge His sovereignty over this issue? What kinds of things or attitudes do we need to change when we approach this issue?

Moving Forward

If prayer is only about getting things to fulfill our desires, then it becomes a venue to idolize things besides God. Maybe that is the reason why God doesn’t give us what we think we need. Instead, he uses the hardships and blessings in life to point us back to a relationship and dependence upon Him and nothing else.


“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.                     - Isaiah 55:8-9

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