In Finding the Flow: A Guide For Leading Small Groups and Gatherings by Tara Miller and Jenn Pepper, the authors emphasize the point that even though we desire spiritual growth and transformation for our community group, its actually not something that is up to us. God is the author of transformation. We cannot, by following certain steps of doing the right thing, bring about transformation in our own life or the lives of others. The most we can do is simply be open to it. To put ourselves—and our groups—in the best position possible for God to do his work.
Here are 10 observations that the authors make in regards to spiritual growth and transformation. See if you agree or disagree:
1. Real change is up to God, but what we do matters.
2. Crisis can cause transformation, but it’s not up to us to cause crisis.
3. There’s no substitute for experience, but we can learn from the experiences of others.
4. Part of transformation is just showing up and part of it is being truly present.
5. Big life changes can create an opening for transformation, but sometimes a sudden insight can have greater impact.
6. Transformation can be prompted by being challenged when we need it, but also by being shown love and mercy when we don’t deserve it.
7. Transformational potential lies in both boldness and in humility.
8. Spiritual growth is a matter of actively searching for it and simply receiving it.
9. Spiritual transformation means beginning to trust God even more than we trust ourselves.
10. God changes us from the inside out. We change our behavior from the outside in.
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