Friday, September 10, 2010

What a Missional Community Group is NOT:

An MCG is not simply a small group.  Small Groups are, by definition, community-typically hovering around 5 - 6 people.  And no matter what people say, they really don’t grow and multiply, simply due to how they’re named.  Small Groups tend to be purely inward-focused.

An MCG is not simply a bible study.  Bible studies involved community, mid-sized, and even larger groups (like a Sunday school class) that focus on gaining knowledge about the bible – which is pretty important.  But what is usually missing from a typical bible study is that there is no push for application.

 An MCG is not simply a support group.  Support groups exist for people to share their problems with others who have the same problems, so you know you’re not alone.  Support groups do encourage each other and keep each other accountable and are there to pick you up when you fall down, but again, they are very inward-focused.

An MCG is not simply a social activist group.  Activist groups are concerned with doing things for the betterment of people and society, which is fine.  But working hard for reform or helping people with no gospel motivation doesn’t meet the deep needs people and society has, and just ends up being a Band-Aid.

An MCG is not simply a weekly fellowship meeting.  People get together weekly all the time for friendship and fun.  That’s why there are community sports leagues, bars, coffee shops, and clubs.  Again, the pulse behind it seems to be “the community for me” rather than “me for the community”.

An MCG is not simply any of these things.  Because truly, a healthy MCG will encompass ALL of these things…and more!  The reason is because the ultimate message and motivation of a MCG is the gospel.  And the gospel is designed to both reach in and reach out.

In short, An MCG is a group of believers living life together in order to glorify God, love each other with the gospel, and love the world with the gospel.

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